Saturday, October 27, 2012

stuff: the depreciation of the beanie baby

Today I am having a yard sale.  It's cold outside, so I'm taking the stay-inside-with-the-blinds-open-to-see -if-anyone-will-stop approach.  It's currently 47 degrees, which is quite a bit warmer than the 29 degrees I started with at 7:00 a.m.  This is my second yard sale.  The first was about a year and a half ago, and was much more profitable than today's sale.  Perhaps it's the chilly wind, or the fact that the neighbor hood yard sale was last weekend (oops), but all of my lovely treasures have only netted us about 43 bucks.  Ten of which came from my beanie baby collection that was going to pay for my college education.  I let 13 of the little boogers go to a good home, but couldn't help think, "in 1999 these would have cost about $80."  The upside:  the kid looked like Napoleon Dynamite and bought all my beanie baby cats.

 Not the Beanies!

A man just walked by and let his shih tzu pee on my box of free hangers.  They're free, and the only interest I can get is some shih tzu pee.  Why someone doesn't want a box of dry cleaning wire hangers is beyond me...

It's hard to watch people look at your stuff... your stuff... with such disgust.  I can't help but think of how much money was spent on all that stuff - by either David, or me, or our families - that I'm hopeful to get a couple dollars for today.  It's really quite sickening.  How do we get to the point of putting everything we once loved - or just had to have - out on our front yard with a sticker that says "$0.25?"   

Needless to say today's yard sale is teaching me a few lessons:  

1.  Don't be a hoarder:  I keep so much stuff - like the hangers... or the magazines that no one wants... thinking that I'll eventually use it or find someone who can.  But no one needs it and neither do I.  Instead, I need to get rid of it.  Recycle it... throw it away... anything but let whatever it is sit in a closet or on the floor in an unused room taking up space.

2.  Think about purchases:  I am the queen of impulse buying.  Usually with clothes, but sometimes with food items and other random things.  I need to start thinking to myself, “Is this going to end up on my front lawn within a year?” before purchasing.  If the answer is yes, then I probably don’t need it.

3.  Purging is good for the soul:  It feels good to get rid of clutter.  I truly delight in neat, clutter-free, organized spaces.  Somewhere in the last three years, this delight has been completely lost in translation.  I need to keep the momentum from the past couple of weeks going, and not let the bust-of-a-yard-sale get me down.  Our house can – and will – be an organized, simple space… one of these days!

Although today’s sale isn’t quite what I was hoping for (our neighbors made over $800 at their sale a couple of weeks ago!), I won’t let it stop me from having another one!  It’s fun to meet new people and watch their kiddos play with Hamilton.  He definitely gets the best deals of the day!  

Heart Breaker... Deal Maker

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Goals… I have a lot of them.  Some are big, others small.  I have housework goals, teaching goals, personal goals,marriage goals, career goals, and the list goes on.  I am extremely goal-oriented.  I always have been, and I think I always will be.  I am coming to realize though, thatbeing goal-oriented and actually following through with my goals are twoentirely different things.  Why ithas taken me 26 years to realize this is beyond me. 

I’ve been struggling a lot with this concept lately atwork.  I feel like as a teacher Ialways need to be improving.  If Iexpect my students to make goals and follow through with them, shouldn’t I bean example?  My top teaching goalright now is to give feedback in a timely fashion.  It’s tough to realize that yourself as a teacher would have drivenyourself as a student C-razy… with a capital “C.”  I have all the best intentions in the world of grading andpassing back my students’ work. But all of the best intentions in the world mean nothing if there isn’tsomething to show for it.  Mystudents – whether they like it or not – are embarking on a new goal offinishing their homework assignments. And I am determined to succeed at my new goal of giving them feedback ina timely manner.    

Whether he knows it or not, my husband David sort of sparked this whole thought process on goals.  On Wednesday morning this past week, he walked into the kitchen as I was getting ready to leave for work and said as kindly as possible, "Honey, I've got a goal for you this week."  I asked him what that might be, and he responded with, "Put your clothes away."  

David is the laundry master in our home.  Actually... he's the trash master, the recycling master, the mowing master and the dish-putter-upper extraordinaire.  I can't say it enough:  our house would not be a home without all David does for us.  He is the biggest blessing in this area of life.  I knew that my laundry situation must really be getting under his skin for him to say something about it.  I let him know that it had been driving me a little nutty also, and promised to take care of it this week.  That's when I started realizing that all the goal-setting in the world doesn't mean a thing if I don't actually work toward completing them.

Sometimes I put so much on my to-do list... I fill my plate to it's fullest.   I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start.  That's how I sometimes feel about grading papers.  Or about laundry.  Or about cleaning out a room so that my friends don't nominate me to be on Hoarding:  Buried Alive.  It's taken the past couple of weeks - 26 years in the making - to realize that I have to start somewhere.  Completing goals actually requires action.  Imagine that.

Today's goal...

...completed.  And Ham is a happy camper too.


This past week had a very special date.  10.11.12... a day that counts.  I am a super-nerdy math teacher and shared this fun fact with my students.  They think I am weird.  But in honor of consecutive number day, I thought I'd share a little from this past week at school.