Tuesday, February 12, 2013

forty-day facebook fast

In 26 years on this planet, I have never participated in the season of Lent.  Growing up in a Southern Baptist home, it’s just not something we did.  In fact, I didn’t really even know about Lent until I was in high school, and had a friend give up chocolate before Easter.  I still did not participate in Lent when I was an intern at the Wesley Foundation – probably much to the horror of my fellow interns and mentor. ;)

I hadn’t even planned on participating this year… until I was driving home one night listening to the radio.  It was a Focus on the Family program, and they were talking about the upcoming holiday season and how to get your family and kids involved in what Easter is really all about.  One of those ways was to participate in Lent as a family.  For whatever reason, it hit me that this may be something I needed to do this year.  I realized there is something that I could sacrifice for a short (6 weeks?!? – not that short, but not that long!) period of time. Not to go on a diet… and not something easy to do (the radio host joked about giving up Brussels sprouts), but a true sacrifice. 


Dear old Facebook.

I’m coming to the realization that I know way too much information about other people’s lives.  Not good friends… people that I haven’t spoken with in ten years.  I do not know these people any more… but I talk about them like I do.  I will call my mom and say, “So-and-so said this on Facebook.” Or, “Did you know, [insert name here] is pregnant/engaged/married/divorced/living in a van down by the river?”  It’s just crazy.

I don’t think God minds that I have a Facebook account.  In fact, I would have to guess that Facebook fits nicely into the Great Commission.  Technology and social networking are making it easier for us to reach “the ends of the earth,” which we are supposed to do as Christ Followers.  But I think that God does have a problem when I treat Facebook like an idol.  Which, if I am honest with myself, I do.  When I spend exponentially more time on Facebook than I do in God’s Word, I’m pretty sure that counts as an idol, and I’m pretty sure He is not okay with it.

So at midnight my Forty-Day Facebook Fast will begin.  I will be deleting the app from my phone and tablet.  It’s my hope that each time I am tempted to scroll through my news feed or update a status I will spend time in prayer instead.  I am also starting a 90 day study on Jesus, and am very excited about this!

I will not be fasting on Sundays, and plan to continue blogging and using instagram.  (So if you see an instagram update on a Sunday - I haven't given into temptation!)

I am so very excited about this time of fasting and growth.  I know God has something great in store for me during these next forty days, and can't wait to share that with you all!

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